Why should you take your golf grips seriously?

Among golf equipment , golf grips are often overlooked by most players. They will scrutinize and enhance their golf ball, putter, driver, and shoes but will seldom think about changing or enhancing their golf grips. Such ignorance is usually the cause of poor performance besides lack of practice and weak strategy being the other cause. Since golf grip is the only part that connects you with the rest of the golf club, it is important that you find a golf grip that ensures an accurate and clean grip of the club. Below we shall discuss various aspects of golf grips to help you understand your golf grip better and help you to be more incisive the next time you shop for a golf grip. Materials. Golf grips are usually categorized depending on the material used. The kind of material used in making the grip will affect the quality, comfort, and lifespan of the grip. Some of the common types of materials in the golf grip include corded, rubber, synthetic, and leather. Both th...